Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Uneducated Literate

So you call yourself an educated citizen. Ok lets find out how well educated you really are. Just answer the following questions:
  1. Have you ever wanted to know somebody’s surname to ascertain his caste or religion or background?
  2. Have you ever mocked someone’s disability?
  3. Have you ever broken a traffic signal intentionally?
  4. Do you believe in getting things done by hook or crook?
  5. Would you hurt somebody mentally or physically if the party does not support your view?
  6. Would you ruin someone’s life for no reason?

Well, if you have come along till here with a ‘NO’ to all the questions above then indeed you are ‘educated’ otherwise you are an ‘Uneducated Literate’.

The ‘Uneducated Literate’ is a special class of people who have been to school/college, know how to read and write, but their minds haven’t evolved. They are engrossed in caste-ism, petty selfishness, destruction of self and others, and usually have an inflated ego. A few examples: The recent Gujjar-Meenas clashes for SC status, or the so called demonstrations against Saddam Hussein’s hanging where the mob injured innocent by-passers, the calls to ban Orkut, harassment of artists for depicting some gods in paintings.

Where is the end to all this? Why aren’t we evolved yet to decide what’s good for us and others in the long run? The reason is our view of education and how we define its purpose. Does education only mean churning long books, regurgitating them in the exams and fetching good marks? So anybody who is a topper or scores good marks is better educated than others. Should it actually end at fetching good marks?

Indeed ‘NO’. Education is meant to help a person evolve and liberate his mind from the narrow shackles bounding it. Only then can we imagine and realize a beautiful world in its true sense.

So if you are still an ‘Uneducated Literate’….its time to get ‘Educated’

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